Negotiating text on the ''multi-level governance''
The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation E.G.T.C. – Amphictiony organized a two – day workshop meeting on the White Paper for the multi – level governance...
The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation E.G.T.C. – Amphictiony organized a two – day workshop meeting on the White Paper for the multi – level governance, of the Committee of the Regions, on 12th and 13th of November 2009 in Hydra.
Attending the meeting, Mr. Manolis Dardoufas, representing the Committee of the Regions, presented the text of the White Paper, while the keynotes for the discussion and consultation of the text, had been revised and introduced by members of the Hellenic Agency of Local Development and Local Government (EETAA).
The meeting was also attended by a representative of the Ministry of Interior, elected representatives of LUMC of Attica and representatives of ΕΕΤΑΑ.
The members of EGTC “Amphictyony”:
1. Decided to assert their participation in the consultation for the “multi – level governance” not only because they consider as their obligation and also their right to contribute in the mutual effort for a multi – cultural Europe with vision, respect for the particularity and the local Citizen, but also because it believes that the participation in this mutual effort will upgrade not only its function but also (and much more) the local committees and local governments, through the upgrading and regeneration of its member’s function.
2. Committed to undertake initiatives towards any direction and any level so that the venture shall take collective and comprehensive form, in an organized and coordinative manner. As the necessary prerequisite for equivalent and effective intervention of the places and the regions in the process of consulting with the state and the European Union.. As the necessary prerequisite for and effective intervention of the places and the regions in the process of consulting with the state and the European Union.
3. In parallel to the expression of the will for participation, the weakness of not only the entity and the members, but also of the local entities of the Mediterranean countries mainly, to participate in the dialogue effectively and creatively, was also established. A necessary perquisite is the reinforcement of the local level by the Committee of Regions, the European Union and the state, in any way and means (institutional framework, financing, transfer of experiences and practices, total and encoded information, new technologies and new knowledge).was also established. A necessary perquisite is the reinforcement of by the Committee of Regions, the European Union and the state, in any way and means (institutional framework, financing, transfer of experiences and practices, total and encoded information, new technologies and new knowledge).
It is understood that, as mentioned in the White Paper, only when the local societies are elevated into knowledge societies, shall have the possibility and ability to participate equivalently and creatively in the consulting. As an example we would like to suggest the setting up of a central service or body at national level with the cooperation and partnership of the Ministry(ies) (e.g Ministry for Internal Affairs) and local regional authorities with a double mission:
a) at European level for issues regarding:
· Legislation (transposition of community law )
· Policies applications, practices
· Programs etc
b) At local level regarding:
· Registration – collection – Evaluation of local practices and applications, support etc.
· Collection of necessary data and completion of indicators at national and European level
· Promotion – enhancement – support of communication – link and coordination between areas-regions and the European Union
It is obvious, as mentioned in the White Paper, that only when local communities are transformed into knowledge-based societies they will acquire the capability to equally and constructively participate in the consultation.
4. The respect by the supralocal centers of the particularity and the identity of the local level is proposed as the first principal of the dialogue.
Each decision and policy made at a European and national level, must have been respected and have consolidated the local particularity, prevent disagreements and prevent the cancellation of policies from local self-concern and cluster.
The authorities of the powerful Center (at a national and European level) have to join, contribute to the effort of the local level to conquer its identity, to choose its targets and course and to integrate with the common effort for prosperity, with the equivalent authorities at a regional, national and European level.
Institutionalizing for this purpose, procedures, tools, mechanisms, implementing studies and researches, so that each place knows its needs, requests, who shall work with and how to exploit in a targeted and not extravagant way every available source (human and natural).
The following are proposed:
Ø Introduction and operation of a Local Network with the coordination and support of the Local Government.
Ø Exploration of the capacityof the local productive system.
Ø Recording and electronically registering of the local Human Recourses and mostly of the unemployed and the social fragile groups.
Ø Exploring the possibilities of committing to collective activities, trying to amplify the capacity of the local productive system and increase the employment by promoting the sector of the social solidarity economy.
5. The recognition of the “value of particularity” should not (due to fragmentation) lead to disturbance or even break in relations both among the territories and the higher levels of administration and governance. On the contrary, the “particularity” should constitute the element leading to an enhanced horizontal relation of cooperation and solidarity (among places, encouraging the procedure of territorial cooperation) as well as a creative vertical relation (place – region - state – Ε.U.).
The recognition of “particularity” as the main principal regulating each relation shall reinforce the effectiveness and interactivity of decisions and policies, at various levels.
The negotiation for “multi-level governance” should impose a permanent, stable, institutional cooperation of all levels of governance. This honest cooperation shall lead to the territory emancipation, a necessary prerequisite and condition for an emancipated European Union.
The success of such a cooperation requires the creation and operation of mechanisms and structures, new formation of scientific personnel, effectuation of methodological instruments and studies, exploitation of new technologies, rise of awareness downwards but mainly upwards.
The following are proposed:
Ø European Affairs Offices in the LGAs
Ø Mechanisms supporting the local level at a regional and central level, such as Portals at a national level, Regional observatories and Networks,
Ø Structured, institutionally established procedure of cooperation and participation upwards with the assurance and support (e.g. financing) from the highest level (European Union).
Ø Measurement Unit or Service regarding the effects and consequences at the local level of the European and national policies.
6. EGTC dealt with the matter and proposes, with the agreement of its members, privileged partnership areas where joint and coordinated intervention is required for positive results.
Ø Environment
Ø Employment - unemployment
Ø Combating the marginalization and depreciation of places
Ø Relations between Urban – Rural areas
Ø Evaluation of local productive systems
Ø Relation between globalization and localization
Ø Modern, functional institutional framework encouraging the procedure of multi-level governance
Ø Exploitation of new technologies and practices – applications at a Mediterranean regional level.
Ø Green Development – Promotion of new local initiatives - combination of natural and human resources – new model of development.
Ø Promotion of social solidarity economy and social entrepreneurship.
7. For the promotion of the White Paper, EGTC and its members are willing to undertake a series of initiatives, such as :
o Inform the City Councils of the members of EGTC – Amphictyony on the Matters of the White Paper
o Send a relative text to the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Members of the European Parliament (both from Greece and the states where EGTC members come from) and aim at meetings with the Ministries Authorities regarding the multi-level governance and the idea of a prospective Cooperation.
o Obtain collocutors, and in particular the representatives of the regions proceeding the Territorial Agreement, our country’s representatives in the Committee of the Regions, the competent committees of Local Unions of Municipalities and Communities of the country’s Prefectures, the Local Union of Municipalities and Communities of Attica, the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece, as well as the Unions of Municipalities of Cyprus, France and Italy, member countries of EGTC Amphictyony.
Also, the exploration of associations with the Committee of the Regions and the other operating EGTC was considered of particular importance, since it aims beyond the dialogue intensification and the organization of a Euro-Mediterranean Conference on the White Paper, as well as the Committee of the Regions’ initiative regarding the enhancement of processing the issues of unemployment and exclusion of ethnic groups and places, according to the Covenant of Mayors model.